

David Cossart was born in Madeira, the sixth generation of the family to own “Cossart Gordon, & Co. Ltd“, the oldest shippers of Madeira Wine, established in 1745.

He spent the majority of his working life in the The Wine Trade, both in Portugal & London, where whilst working for Christie’s Wine Auctions, he passed the examination of the Institute of Masters of Wine, to be awarded the degree of: “Master of Wine“.

After finishing his Wine Trade Career, he worked with Graham Rust, the celebrated painter of “trompe l’oeil“, decorative designs, and large Mural schemes.

The work included making water-colour-wash & line Mounts, for drawings & designs. Also making painted and gilded Frames.

David Cossart spent a Year in Brussels, at the respected “Institut van der Kelen “, School for learning the Art of painting “faux-marbre” and “faux-bois”, where he gained their diploma.

He continues making frames and mounts.

For some Years he has been a member of the “Society of Book-Binders”.

He binds books, makes boxes & folio cases, and restores & re-constitutes leather-bound volumes.

Trained at:

West Dean College, Sussex

City-Lit, London. Gilding, and Book-binding studies.

Shepherds Book-Binders, London.

Flatford Mill. East Anglia. (Book-Binding)

Clients include:

London fine Art dealers.

Private collectors.

Interior Decorators, (inc., Colefax & Fowler, London)